Release: v0.14.0


phel\str library

  • Add string functions in phel/str namespace
    • split: Splits string on a regular expression
    • join: Returns a string of all elements in coll
    • reverse: Returns s with its characters reversed
    • upper-case: Converts string to upper-case
    • replace: Replaces all instances of match with replacement in string
    • replace-first: Replaces the first instance of match with replacement in string
    • trim-newline: Removes all trailing newline \n or return \r characters from string
    • capitalize: Converts first character of the string to upper, all other characters to lower-case
    • lower-case: Converts string to lower-case
    • upper-case: Converts string to upper-case
    • trim: Removes whitespace from both ends of string
    • triml: Removes whitespace from the left side of string
    • trimr: Removes whitespace from the right side of string
    • blank?: True if s is nil, empty, or contains only whitespace
    • starts-with?: True if string starts with substr
    • ends-with?: True if string ends with substr
    • includes?: True if string includes substr
    • re-quote-replacement: Escaping of special characters
    • escape: Return a new string, using cmap to escape each character from string
    • index-of: Return index of value in string, optionally searching forward
    • last-index-of: Return last index of value in string, optionally searching backward
    • split-lines: Splits string with on \n or \r\n

Full list

For a full list of changes, have a look at the Changelog.