Basic Types

Nil, True, False#

Nil, true and false are literal constants. In Phel nil is the same as null in PHP. Phel's true and false are the same as PHP's true and false.



Symbols are used to name functions and variables in Phel.



Keywords are like symbols that begin with a colon character. However, they are used as constants rather than a name for something.



Numbers in Phel are equivalent to numbers in PHP. Next to decimal and float numbers the reader also supports binary, octal and hexadecimal number formats. Binary, octal and hexadecimal formats may contain underscores (_) between digits for better readability.

1337 # integer
+1337 # positive integer
-1337 # negative integer

1.234 # float
+1.234 # positive float
-1.234 # negative float
1.2e3 # float
7E-10 # float

0b10100111001 # binary number
-0b10100111001 # negative binary number
0b101_0011_1001 # binary number with underscores for better readability

0x539 # hexadecimal number
-0x539 # negative hexadecimal number
-0x5_39 # hexadecimal number with underscores

02471 # octal number
-02471 # negativ octal number
024_71 # octal number with underscores


Strings are surrounded by double quotes. They almost work the same as PHP double-quoted strings. One difference is that the dollar sign ($) must not be escaped. Internally Phel strings are represented by PHP strings. Therefore, every PHP string function can be used to operate on the string.

String can be written in multiple lines. The line break character is then ignored by the reader.

"hello world"

"this is\na\nstring"


"use backslack to escape \" string"

"the dollar must not be escaped: $ or $abc just works"

"Hexadecimal notation is supported: \x41"

"Unicodes can be encoded as in PHP: \u{1000}"


Lists are a sequence of white space separated values surrounded by parentheses.

(do 1 2 3)

Lists will be interpreted as a function calls, a macro call or special form by the compiler.


Vectors are a sequence of white space separated values surrounded by brackets.

[1 2 3]

A Vector in Phel is an indexed datastructure. In contrast to PHP arrays, Phel vectors cannot be used as Map, HashTable or Dictionary.


Maps are represented by a sequence of white-space delimited key value pairs surrounded by curly braces. There must be an even number of items between curly braces or the parser will signal a parse error. The sequence is defined as key1, value1, key2, value2, etc.

{:key1 "value1" :key2 "value2"}
{(1 2 3) (4 5 6)}
{[] []}
{1 2 3 4 5 6}

In contrast to PHP associative arrays, Phel Maps can have any type of keys.


Sets are a sequence of white space separated values prefixed by the function set and the whole being surrounded by parentheses.

(set 1 2 3)


Comments begin with a # character and continue until the end of the line. There are no multi-line comments.

# This is a comment