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Phel comes with some configuration options. They are stored in the phel-config.php file in the root directory of every project.


These are all Phel specific configuration options available, along with the values that are set by default.

// phel-config.php
return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    ->setFormatDirs(['src', 'tests'])
    ->setBuildConfig((new \Phel\Config\PhelBuildConfig())
    ->setExportConfig((new \Phel\Config\PhelExportConfig())

Options in detail#

This chapter contains all configuration options explained in detail.


Set a list of directories in which the source files for the project are located.

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    # ...


Set a list of directories in which the test files are located.

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    # ...


Set the name of the composer vendor directory.

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    # ...


Set the path to the error.log file

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    # ...


Set a list of Phel files that should be ignored when building the code.

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    # ...


Set a list of Phel files that should be not cached when building the code. This means, they will be transpiled all the time; regardless when you use the --cache or --no-cache flag.

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    # ...


Set a list of directories whose files will be formatted when running the format command.

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    ->setFormatDirs(['src', 'tests'])
    # ...


A flag that automatically removes all generated temporal files once the command phel run has been executed. Default is false.

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    # ...


The configuration when running the phel build command.

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    ->setBuildConfig((new \Phel\Config\PhelBuildConfig())
    # ...
  • setMainPhelNamespace: the main phel namespace to start transpiling the Phel code.
  • setMainPhpPath: the entry point of the build PHP result.


Set configuration options that are being used for the phel export command that is described in the PHP Interop chapter.

return (new \Phel\Config\PhelConfig())
    ->setExportConfig((new \Phel\Config\PhelExportConfig())
    # ...

Currently, the export command requires three options:

  • setFromDirectories: Sets a list of directories in which the export command should search for export functions.
  • setNamespacePrefix: Sets a namespace prefix for all generated PHP classes.
  • setTargetDirectory: Sets the directory where the generated PHP classes are stored.