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Request and Response

HTTP Request#

Phel provides an easy method to access the current HTTP request. While in PHP the request is distributed in different globals variables ($_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER, $_COOKIES and $_FILES) Phel normalizes them into a single struct. All functions and structs are defined in the phel\http module.

The request struct is defined like this:

(defstruct request [
  method            # HTTP Method ("GET", "POST", ...)
  uri               # the 'uri' struct (see below)
  headers           # Map of all headers. Keys are keywords, Values are string
  parsed-body       # The parsed body ($_POST), when availabe otherwise nil
  query-params      # Map with all query parameters ($_GET)
  cookie-params     # Map with all cookie parameters ($_COOKIE)
  server-params     # Map with all server parameters ($_SERVER)
  uploaded-files    # Map of 'uploaded-file' structs (see below)
  version           # The HTTP Version
  attributes        # consumer specific data to enrich the request

(defstruct uri [
  scheme            # Scheme of the URI ("http", "https")
  userinfo          # User info string
  host              # Hostname of the URI
  port              # Port of the URI
  path              # Path of the URI
  query             # Query string of the URI
  fragment          # Fragement string of the URI

(defstruct uploaded-file [
  tmp-file          # The location of the temporary file
  size              # The file size
  error-status      # The upload error status
  client-filename   # The client filename
  client-media-type # The client media type

To create a request struct the phel\http module must be imported. Then the request-from-globals function can be called.

(ns my-namepace
  (:require phel\http))

(http/request-from-globals) # Evaluates to a request struct

HTTP Response#

The phel\http module also contains a response struct. This struct can be used to send HTTP responses to the client. The response struct takes the following values.

(defstruct response [
  status    # The HTTP status code
  headers   # A map of headers
  body      # The body of the response (string)
  version   # The HTTP protocol version
  reason    # The HTTP status code reason text

To make it easier to create responses. Phel has two helpers methods to create a response.

(ns my-namepace
  (:require phel\http))

# Create response from map
(http/response-from-map {:status 200 :body "Test"})
# Evaluates to (response 200 {} "Test" "1.1" "OK")

# Create response from string
(http/response-from-string "Hello World")
# Evaluates to (response 200 {} "Hello World" "1.1" "OK")

To send the response to the client the emit-response function can be used.

(ns my-namepace
  (:require phel\http))

(let [rsp (http/response-from-map
            {:status 404 :body "Page not found"})]
  (http/emit-response rsp))

HTTP Router#

A Phel router based on symfony routing component: phel-lang/router