
Namespace (ns)#

Every Phel file is required to have a namespace. A valid namespace name starts with a letter, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or dashes. Individual parts of the namespace are separated by the \ character. The last part of the namespace has to match the name of the file.

(ns name imports*)

Defines the namespace for the current file and adds imports to the environment. Imports can either be uses or requires. The keyword :use is used to import PHP classes, the keyword :require is used to import Phel modules and the keyword :require-file is used to load php files.

(ns my\custom\module
  (:require-file "vendor/autoload.php")
  (:require my\phel\module)
  (:use Some\Php\Class))

The call also sets the *ns* variable to the given namespace.

Import a Phel module#

Before a Phel module can be used, it has to be imported with the keyword :require. Once imported, the module can be accessed by its name followed by a slash and the name of the public function or value.

Given, a module util is defined in the namespace hello-world.

(ns hello-world\util)

(def my-name "Phel")

(defn greet [name]
  (print (str "Hello, " name)))

Module boot imports module util and uses its functions and values.

(ns hello-world\boot
  (:require hello-world\util))

(util/greet util/my-name)

To prevent name collision from other modules in different namespaces, aliases can be used.

(ns hello-world\boot
  (:require hello-world\util :as utilities))

Additionally, it is possible to refer symbols of other modules in the current namespace by using :refer keyword.

(ns hello-world\boot
  (:require hello-world\util :refer [greet]))

(greet util/my-name)

Both, :refer and :as can be combined in any order.

Import a PHP class#

PHP classes are imported with the keyword :use.

(ns my\custom\module
  (:use Some\Php\ClassName)

Once imported, a class can be referenced by its name.

(php/new ClassName)

To prevent name collision from other classes in different namespaces, aliases can be used.

(ns my\custom\module
  (:use Some\Php\ClassName :as BetterClassName)

Importing PHP classes is considered a "better" coding style, but it is optional. Any PHP class can be used by typing its namespace with the class name.

(php/new \Some\Php\ClassName)

Require PHP files#

In some cases it is necessary to load external PHP file via PHP's require_once statement. This can be archived by using the :require-file keyword. For example, to load composer's autoload file the following code can be used:

(ns hello-world\boot
  (:require-file "vendor/autoload.php"))

As alternative, you can also call (php/require_once "vendor/autload.php") anywhere in your code. However, especially for the autoload file this statement is executed to late, because Phel's core library needs to load PHP files via the autoloader. Therefore, it is recommended to use the :require-file method.

Namespaced keywords#

If code or data is shared to the outside world simple keywords can lead to collisions. This problem can be solved by using namespaced keywords.

There are multiple options to define namespaced keywords. The most simple one is to define a fully qualified keyword with the full namespace followed by a / and the keyword name.

:my\namespace/foo # a absolute namespaced keyword

The :: shortcut can be used to assign the current namespace to the keyword

(ns bar)
::foo # Evaluates to :bar/foo

Aliases defined in the ns expression can also be used

(ns foobar
  (:require abc\xyz :as bar))
  ::bar/foo # evaluates to :abc\xyz/bar