
Phel comes with an integrated unit testing framework.


The core of the library is the is macro, which can be used to defined assertions.

(is (= 4 (+ 2 2)) "my test description")
(is (true? (or true false)) "my othe test")

The first argument of the is macro must be in one of the following forms. The second argument is an optional string to describe the test.

(predicate expected actual)
# Example: (is (= 4 (+ 2 2)))

This tests whether, according to predicate, the actual value is in fact what we expected.

(predicate value)
# Example: (is (true? (or true false)))

This tests whether the value satisfies the predicate.

(not (predicate expected actual))
# Example: (is (not (= 4 (+ 2 3))))

This tests whether, according to predicate, the actual value is not what we expected.

(not (predicate value))
# Example (is (not (true? (and true false))))

This tests whether the value does not satisfies the predicate.

(thrown? exception-type body)
# Example: (is (thrown? \Exception (throw (php/new \Exception "test"))))

This tests whether the execution of body throws an exception of type exception-type.

(thrown-with-msg? exception-type msg body)
# Example: (is (thrown? \Exception "test"  (throw (php/new \Exception "test"))))

This tests whether the execution of body throws an exception of type exception-type and that the exception has the message msg.

(output? expected body) # For example (output? "hello" (php/echo "hello"))

This tests whether the execution of body prints the expected text to the output stream.

Defining tests#

Test can be defined by using the deftest macro. This macro is like a function without arguments.

(ns my-namespace\tests
  (:require phel\test :refer [deftest is]))

(deftest my-test
  (is (= 4 (+ 2 2))))

Running tests#

Tests can be run using the ./vendor/bin/phel test command. Therefore, the test configuration entry must be set (see Configuration).

I can use want to run the test manually on your own, the run-tests function can be used. As arguments, it takes a list of namespaces that should be tested.

(run-tests 'my\ns\a 'my\ns\b)